Saturday, 6 February 2010

I Can't Cook

Today got off to a rather good start... I was in Asda when I noticed their Cream Filled Meringues, nice looking meringues dipped in chocolate with whipped cream - 411 calories per 100 grammes. Hmmm.... The pack weighed roughly 600g according to the scales (which were designed for weighing kilos of potatoes not grammes of cream, but they couldn't be more than 150 calories each could they?)
I bought them to have with a coffee at my mum's after the shop, I also saw a delicious looking pasta and chicken bake ready meal and thought "I could do that", so I bought fromage frais to make a creamy sauce....

The meringue was a success - weighing in at 30 grammes it only cost me 123 calories and made for a pleasant cuppa.

Unfortunately this afternoon I tried my hand at making that nice creamy pasta sauce

I sweated mushrooms and onions together, cooked some tagliatelli and added the fromage frais. It looked lovely, it smelled nice, but it tasted Howfin! (That's a scottish term - usually used by 10 year olds to explain why they've just spat their dinner across the table)
I don't like cheese, I don't like yoghurt, and as I now know I don't like fromage frais! I do like cream whether whipped in a cake or poured over a steak or pasta or...

Anyway I don't have the knack, some people go into the kitchen and take a few ingredients and rustle up something delicious. Me I go into the kitchen and rustle up something even the dustbin won't accept!

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